Nov 8, 2020
Recorded during day four of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, three middle-aged American white males who did NOT vote for Trump attempt to review the Big Finish Audio “Time in Office”. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Chris is not a Cyberman, dissing and defending “Delta and the Bannermen”, classic companions showing up in movies, watching “Star Wars” for the first time, getting old sucks, JB’s ultimate locker room humiliation, explaining jock straps to Sean, nude swimming class, Sean tries to bluff his way through a Big Finish review, pulling a Dodo with Turlough, rehashing “The Face of Evil”, Janet Fielding is your favorite drunk aunt, bitching about the Peanuts specials moving to Apple TV, sneaking alcohol into movie theaters and airplanes, Tim the Time Lord and the Voltron TARDIS, “on Concord”, the age of consent in England, destroying “Talons” DVDs is now trending, a quick history of black characters in Classic Who, David Tennant almost played Hannibal Lecter, plaster casters, podcasters on Ambien, manatees are writing Big Finish Adventures, Chris breaks up and JB cracks up, closing in on 270, we completely missed the L.I.N.D.A. reference, David Tennant shilling products on his podcast, Doctor Who references on Saturday Night Live, watching SNL in the 80s and 90s, how the Trump-to-Biden transition will be like the Moffat-to-Chibnall transition, when will AOC be old enough to run for President?, an update on our download numbers, JB’s not-well-thought-out plan to bribe listeners for podcast reviews, why “The Muppet Movie” holds up and “The Muppet Show” doesn’t.