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A drunken Doctor Who podcast for the end times.   Featuring JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers) and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern). 

Feb 26, 2022

We went long on the recording session for the previous episode, so since I will probably be busy for a while setting up my new digs in NOLA (and am currently recovering from a nasty ear infection), I've split the recording into two episodes. Listen in as Chris, Sean and I recruit our teams of time traveling companions...

Feb 20, 2022

While many of the Doctor Who podcast community squee away at Gallifrey One, our fearless three have their usual drunken ramblings over Skype. Topics include: Moving to N’awlins, ketchup on hotdogs, JB’s podcast anniversary, lurking thru the tweets from Gallifrey One, Paul Cornell gas lighting a fan on...