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A drunken Doctor Who podcast for the end times.   Featuring JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers) and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern). 

Nov 28, 2013

…in which our fearless podcaster finishes what he started with DVD commentary for Part 4 of "The Deadly Assassin".  Expect lots of old man jokes, alcoholic jokes, and male anatomy jokes.  You have been warned...

Nov 28, 2013

…in which our fearless podcaster cries his eyes out in celebration of Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary with his review of "The Day of the Doctor." and his own personal tribute to the program.  

Nov 16, 2013

…in which our fearless podcaster gushes all over Paul McGann's ever-so-brief return to the television series, questions just who (or what) Billie Piper is playing in "The Name of the Doctor", and returns to DVD commentary duties with Part 3 of "The Deadly Assassin".  Also the latest updates on Chicago...

Nov 10, 2013

…in which our fearless podcaster puts on his "Sexy Doctor Voice", speculates on what part Rose Tyler will play in "The Day of the Doctor", and reviews Big Finish's 50th anniversary audio adventure, "The Light At The End".