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A drunken Doctor Who podcast for the end times.   Featuring JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers) and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern). 

Jan 30, 2017

... in which the world shouts "No More!" to racism, misogyny and homophobia while mourning the loss of a Doctor. Meanwhile our fearless podcaster gives a quick rundown of writers for Series 10, shares his thoughts on the big three podcasts featured in this year's Doctor Who Magazine Winter Special, and has a few words...

Jan 7, 2017

Remember when our fearless podcaster guested on other Doctor Who podcasts? It’s a special “best of” look at JB’s guest appearances on “The TARDIS Tavern”, “Live at the Blue Box”, and “Oi! Spaceman: Adventures in Media Criticism”. Topics include Mathew Waterhouse getting to second base, star hustling,...