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A drunken Doctor Who podcast for the end times.   Featuring JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers) and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern). 

Dec 30, 2016

…in which the podcaster by the lake and the podcaster from downstate must be stuck in a time loop because we swear we’ve seen this all before. JB and X review the 2016 Christmas Special “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”. Also a bonus audio review of Bafflegab Production’s “Baker’s End: The King of Cats”...

Nov 16, 2016

... in which our fearless podcaster prepares for the coming of the drones as the sound of drums echos throughout America and the world. In the meantime, JB reviews the newly-animated lost story "The Power of the Daleks", and a listener from the U.K. weighs in on the new spinoff series "Class".

Oct 12, 2016

… in which the podcaster by the lake and the podcaster from downstate celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Cybermen with a triple dose of Big Finish reviews. JB and X discuss the audio stories "Spare Parts", "The Harvest", and "Sword of Orion".

Sep 12, 2016

… in which two fearless podcasters boldly go where millions have gone before. JB is joined by Daniel Harper, co-host of the Oi Spaceman podcast, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek with a commentary on "City on the Edge of Forever".

Aug 31, 2016

… in which the podcaster by the lake and the podcaster from downstate revisit the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn with a brief review of the Big Finish audio "Thicker Than Water". Also the return of Fan Mail and some more bawdy Doctor Who chat.