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A drunken Doctor Who podcast for the end times.   Featuring JB Anderton (WHO 37), Chris Buchanan (Dirty WHOers) and Sean Homrig (The TARDIS Tavern). 

Dec 6, 2020

This month the podcast has the most Doctor Who content it’s had in a good long while as JB, Sean and Chris rank and review ALL 13 Doctor Who Christmas Specials from the modern era. They also speculate about what we’ll see in the upcoming New Years Day episode “Revolution of the Daleks”. Also, JB finally...

Nov 8, 2020

Recorded during day four of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, three middle-aged American white males who did NOT vote for Trump attempt to review the Big Finish Audio “Time in Office”. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Chris is not a Cyberman, dissing and defending “Delta and the Bannermen”, classic companions showing up in...

Oct 4, 2020

Seven months into the pandemic, and maybe things are starting to look up? This month JB, Sean and Chris get political on all y’all while reviewing the Big Finish audio adventure “The Lovecraft Invasion” starring Colin Baker. CONTENTS INCLUDE: Where we were when Trump got Covid-19, the train-wreck that was the...

Sep 5, 2020

Six months into the pandemic, and we’re still at it.  CONTENTS INCLUDE: Sean obsessively purchases replacement DVDs, Time Flight over Hell Bent, we got over 3,000 downloads last month, the “silent majority”, we don’t do Instagram, reviewing the Tom Baker/David Tennant Big Finish story, Christopher Eccleston...

Aug 8, 2020

Five months into the pandemic, and we’re still podcasting while drinking cocktails. It’s the only way we know how to stay sane in this insane time. CONTENTS INCLUDE: JB sounds like Ira Glass, The OOD Cast made too much work for themselves, we aren’t NPR, recording in different time zones, Steve Martin,...